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Office of Internal Audit Banner

The University of Minnesota Office of Internal Audit has been recognized as an industry leader, providing independent, objective assurance and advisory services designed to add value and improve the operations of the University of Minnesota.

Our Services

We provide a wide array of services to the University, primarily conducting financial, operational, compliance and information system audits. The types of work we perform include:

  • Risk-based college and departmental audits
  • Risk-based University process audits
  • Risk-based information technology audits
  • Investigations of financial or operational misconduct
  • Special projects requested by University management
  • Consulting on new systems, processes or others areas of risk

Please contact us should you have any questions about our services.

The Audit Process

At the University of Minnesota, our Office of Internal Audit is making a special effort to dispel the notion of an audit as something we do to you. Rather, we are promoting the concept that an audit is something we accomplish with you.

Audit Control Charts

Control Charts allow you to easily track the status of an audit over time until the audit is complete. New charts are published on a quarterly basis.


Folwell Components